Tag Archives: Emails

Stupid Email Hall of Fame

crash_teas2We all get them: stupid email forwards. Misguided (or just plain idiotic) friends, relatives and coworkers forward us stuff that promises to be “hilarious” or “amazing,” when it’s actually so damn stupid, you want to reach through the computer and strangle them for sending it to you. These emails belong in the Stupid Email Hall of Fame. This week’s installment was particularly amusing to me. I received it from a former co-worker: Continue reading

Stupid Email Hall of Fame

crash_teas2We all get them: stupid email forwards. Misguided (or just plain idiotic) friends, relatives and coworkers forward us stuff that promises to be “hilarious” or “amazing,” when it’s actually so damn stupid, you want to reach through the computer and strangle them for sending it to you. These emails belong in the Stupid Email Hall of Fame. This week’s installment comes from my dumbass redneck cousin. I haven’t gotten any emails from him in a while, so I knew this one would be extra stupid: Continue reading

Stupid Email Hall of Fame

crash_teas23We all get them: stupid email forwards. Misguided (or just plain idiotic) friends, relatives and coworkers forward us stuff that promises to be “hilarious” or “amazing,” when it’s actually so damn stupid, you want to reach through the computer and strangle them for sending it to you. These emails belong in the Stupid Email Hall of Fame. This week, we have a special holiday installment. This one’s not so much stupid as misleading. It’s a list of stores that are going out of business/closing locations due to hard economic times. The email warns that if you buy gift cards for these stores, they’ll be worthless:

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Stupid Email Hall of Fame

crash_teas22We all get them: stupid email forwards. Misguided (or just plain idiotic) friends, relatives and coworkers forward us stuff that promises to be “hilarious” or “amazing,” when it’s actually so damn stupid, you want to reach through the computer and strangle them for sending it to you. These emails belong in the Stupid Email Hall of Fame. And since I’m apparently still caught up in a post-election bliss hangover, I forgot to post this yesterday. So, without further ado, an email with one of the greatest, longest-standing urban legends to date:

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Stupid Email Hall of Fame

We all get them: stupid email forwards. Misguided (or just plain idiotic) friends, relatives and coworkers forward us stuff that promises to be “hilarious” or “amazing,” when it’s actually so damn stupid, you want to reach through the computer and strangle them for sending it to you. These emails belong in the Stupid Email Hall of Fame. With the election less than a week away, I thought I’d give you a “political” forward, courtesy of my dumbass redneck cousin: Continue reading

Stupid Email Hall of Fame

We all get them: stupid email forwards. Misguided (or just plain idiotic) friends, relatives and coworkers forward us stuff that promises to be “hilarious” or “amazing,” when it’s actually so damn stupid, you want to reach through the computer and strangle them for sending it to you. These emails belong in the Stupid Email Hall of Fame. Today’s installment is a mix of sexism, politics and pure stupidity, courtesy of one of my redneck cousins: Continue reading

Stupid Email Hall of Fame

Today’s installment of the Stupid Email Hall of Fame comes to us from The Domina. She writes: Continue reading

Stupid Email Hall of Fame

We all get them: stupid, pointless email forwards from friends, relatives and co-workers. We don’t want them. We know Bill Gates isn’t going to write us a check for forwarding an email; we know God doesn’t judge his followers by whether or not they forward an email; we know that useful/correct political information rarely comes in the form of an email forward. And yet, people continue to fill our inboxes with them. So, I’ve decided to start posting them here to be publicly mocked. We’ll start with a doozy sent to me by a relative: Continue reading

FW: You Are Not Funny

Over at Buttercup Punch, my girl BDJ wrote about a moronic email forward sent to her by a relative. We’ve all received these: promises of money from Bill Gates; warnings of needles full of AIDS waiting to prick us at the gas station; reminders that if we don’t forward this message to 20 people in the next 10 minutes, God will stop loving us and we’ll be cursed with bad luck, a horrible sex life and financial woe for eternity. Then there’s the one I got today from my idiot cousin, who thinks sexism, racism and many other “isms” are just HILARIOUS (click image to see full view):

EPIC FAIL, asshat!