Tag Archives: John McCain

I Think I Might Have a Girl Crush

meghan_mccain_supports_bristol_palinMeghan McCain, daughter of Senator John McCain, has had a lot to say lately. She recently complained about how her father’s presidential bid ruined her love life and now she’s talking smack about one of the people I loathe most: Ann Coulter.

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2008: The Year in Pop Culture


It’s been some year, hasn’t it? When I started this blog more than six months ago (wow, that just flew by!), I had no idea all the amazing, sad, exciting and utterly disappointing things 2008 still had up its sleeve. So on this last day of 2008, let’s take a look back at the highlights and lowlights of this wild, wacky year: Continue reading



Congratulations, President Obama!!!

Election ’08: How is it Out There?

06blog-raleighI hope you guys have or are on your way to vote. How’s it going out there? I’ve heard lots of stories about lines, first time voters and even a few problems at the polls. Share your stories here.

Election ’08: The Characters and Catchphrases

Obama 2008Every election introduces new characters and catchphrases to popular culture. But this one seemed to have more than its fair share. From Joe the Plumber to the infamous fist bump, let’s take a look back at some of the people and words we saw and heard during this campaign: Continue reading

Election ’08: Jokes

palin-fey2_1011914cThis presidential campaign brought a wealth of new material to comedians everywhere. From Tina Fey’s hilarious impressions of Sarah Palin, to talk show hosts poking fun at gaffey Joe Biden (no, Roosevelt didn’t go on TV in 1929!), we’ve had a lot of laughs at the expense of the candidates running for office. Here are a few of the lighter moments: Continue reading

Election Funny


Election ’08: The Choice

600px-us_vice_president_sealsvgOnce the two candidates were finally decided, the guessing game began anew with the question of who Barack Obama and John McCain would choose as their running mates. Democrats wanted unity and victory, and many thought the choice of Hillary Clinton would bring both those things. Republicans also wanted those two things, and while some thought Mitt Romney or perhaps a Midwesterner like Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty or Indiana Senator Evan Bayh would be the right choice, McCain didn’t see it that way. Continue reading

Election ’08: ClusterF@#k to the White House

tds051507Remember almost a year ago, when all these guys (+ 1 girl) were running for president: Continue reading

Election ’08: The Advertisements

election_2008-400x300This campaign season was a long, crazy journey full of surprises, triumphs, new lows and historical moments. And in a year when video, the internet and the like play such an important role in the campaign, any advertisement you create can live on long after it’s pulled from the airwaves. Here are some of the most talked about campaign advertisements of the 2008 election: Continue reading